Tag Archives: Sunday Brunch

Five things to try this weekend

18 Jan

Let is Snow

Hurray it’s the weekend – or soon to be!

I hope you have all had good weeks, mine has been fairly busy and very sociable – which is great, because often when it gets cold I tend to go into hibernation mode and want to stay wrapped on the sofa in a blanket! However this week I bucked the trend and had lots of friends over for dinner. In my mind it’s the best way to be sociable in the colder months and it also means you get to try out new things. I have recently discovered a great Mediterranean Deli 5 mins walk from my house, and last night went and explored the shelves. I came back with Wasabi Peas, Turkish Delight and actual proper Bon Maman Fig Jam (which you can’t seem to get anywhere in this country). Suffice to say I was very happy.

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